Are there fundraising and campaign restrictions that apply to elected officials once in office?

Yes, the following restrictions are intended to curb the misuse of office and public funds:

  • Contributions may not be received or delivered in the California Capitol or in a state office building;
  • Elected officials may not use state office equipment, staff time and other public resources for campaign purposes.

Are elected officials and candidates required to disclose potential conflicts of interest?

Yes, candidates and elected officials must file a Statement of Economic Interest, disclosing their personal assets and income. This disclosure is intended to help identify potential conflicts of interest. Additionally, elected officials with a prohibited conflict of interest may not participate in making a governmental decision or use his or her office to influence that decision.

Are there gift and honorarium payment restrictions for elected officials and candidates?

Yes, the following restrictions apply to elected officials and candidates:

  • Elected officials and candidates may not accept gifts aggregating more than $460 (2015-2016 limit) in a calendar year from a single source;
  • Elected officials and candidates may not accept gifts aggregating more than $10 per month from a lobbyist;
  • Payment or reimbursement for travel is generally considered a gift and subject to the gift limits and
  •  Elected officials and candidates may not accept honorarium payments. This includes any payment made in consideration for a speech given, article published or attendance at a public or private event.